
PitchIt Podcast 94: Rodney Robinson, President & Co-Founder, TabaPay

Rodney Robinson of TabaPay
Rodney Robinson of TabaPay

On today’s episode, I am joined by Rodney Robinson, President & Co-Founder of TabaPay.

Rodney and I discuss the shift toward faster payments, what that means for the overall payments market, and where the US sits today in payments innovation. TabaPay is a platform built for real-time money movement.

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Without further ado, I present Rodney Robinson, President & Co-Founder of TabaPay. I hope you enjoy the show.

Episode highlights include:

  • TabaPay’s founding story
  • There And Back Again
  • Faster payments costs
  • FedNow
  • The banking crisis
  • US vs. International payments systems
  • Raising capital
  • Recommended reading – The Martian by Andy Weir
  • And much more…

Connect with Rodney on LinkedIn
Connect with TabaPay on LinkedIn

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Until next time.

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